Amazon Carting Behavior

If you build it, will they come?

While Amazon pushes brands and manufacturers to invest heavily in their Product Detail Pages and A+ Content, recent UI/UX updates are fundamentally changing how shoppers engage with products on the platform.

Amazon recently introduced the option to Cart directly from Search with a new “Add to Cart” button. Since this change, Nailbiter has observed 4 in 10 shoppers never even making it a Product Detail Page and instead completing their purchase within the Search Page only!

This shift has massive implications for brands:
– Do you continue to invest heavily in PDP content knowing 4 in 10 shoppers never even see it?
– How do you optimize your presence in search (hero imagery, product naming, etc.) to win in this new environment?
– What can you do to stay on top of this ever-changing marketplace and adapt in real-time to these changes?

Nailbiter has been tracking eCommerce shopping behavior for 10+ years. While shifts this large are less frequent, any change to a planogram, search algorithm, or user experience needs to be measured and adapted to. Reach out to learn more.

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